Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dog Obedience Training You Should Use

Positive thinking and action has always been the way to accomplish and create good and this also applies to dog obedience training. Most people think of dogs as animals that can be abuse and use to release their anger. Dog have feelings and you can use this idea to train your dog to behave for you.

When you think positive thoughts to train your dog, your dog will respond. Dogs have a natural sense of what humans feel and think. So, when you use abusive action, your dog will get confused and not know what to do.

Dog may not have a lot of brain power, but they understand love. This is what you need to give when you are doing dog obedience training. Sometime people try to force change in others and this does not work and it does not work with dogs either. Once you understand this, your training will take new leaps.

Dog obedience training with positive reinforcement training allows your dog to learn positive behavioral patterns at their own pace without being forced to exhibit these behaviors. These are some ways to make the positive reinforcement training easier for you and your dog:

1. Give your dog the reward it wants. When you integrate an excellent reward to give to your dog, you dog will definitely pay attention. He’s not going to miss getting some more of that good stuff after he follows your instructions. Use his favorite snack and see him perform.

2. Give rewards at the right time. Timing is everything when you are training your dog. Give a command, if he follows it, give him a reward immediately. Delayed rewards will get confused training results. You dog will not know what to do to get that reward. You will lose control of your dog obedience training session.

If you need a tool for training your dog, then consider a clicker. It’s a small hand held metal device that snaps a click. For a clicker to be effective, you must click it immediately, when your dog performs what you want. Then give it a treat. You instill in your dog a change in behavior associated with a sound and taste. This is a definite good combination for successful dog training.

You don’t have to use the clicker, but some people like it. Use your voice as a clicker. When you give a command try to keep the same pitch and tone. Give a command feeling positive and strong. Don’t use this voice tone when you are not training your dog.

When you start with your dog obedience training, determine what type of command technique you will use. Don’t use the clicker one day and your strong voice the next. Always be consistent with the way you train your dog. This will eventually let your dog know that it is training time. If you make training fun, your dog will look forward to dog training time.

Some dog are very smart and some even appear to be human in the way they relate to you. But most dogs react to only a few words that they can understand. To teach new commands to create new behaviors, use your predetermined commands over and over until you can see that your dog is starting to understand.

Use love and understanding during your dog obedience training is what you want to do. You dog will sense if you are upset and angry. If he senses love, he will respond and try to make you happy by trying to do what you want. Take your time and love your dog and both of you will survive the training sessions.

How To Stop Dog Jumping -- Five Dog Obedience Tips That Really Work

by Darlene Norris

Are you frustrated with your dog jumping up on you and others? Although jumping is a normal behavior for a canine, it can be frightening if your pup jumps up on kids or older people, and downright dangerous if he knocks someone down. To stop dog jumping, you need to understand why dogs jump.

Three Reasons For Jumping Dogs

He's greeting you. Canines greet each other by sniffing faces. Since most humans are taller than their pets, they jump up to reach your face.

He's asserting his dominance over you. If he thinks he's the alpha dog in your pack, this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed right away.

You've probably been rewarding him for this behavior, whether you meant to or not. If you feed him or give him attention when he jumps on you, you're rewarding him for jumping on you, which only encourages him to keep doing it.

Five Dog Obedience Tips To Stop Dog Jumping

When you get home, wait at least fifteen minutes before greeting him. This asserts your dominance. If he makes a pest out of himself by jumping around, get his attention by squirting him with a water pistol or shaking a can with pennies in it. This will startle him and calm him down. If you have company, wait for fifteen minutes before introducing him to your guests, too.

Teach him to sit. This is a very basic command, one that your pup should learn at an early age. Use this command if you think he's about to jump on you. If he's well-trained, he'll sit and won't even think about jumping on you.

"Off" is another basic command to teach him. It's much easier to teach him this one when he's young. If he jumps up on you, say "OFF" right away. Show him your teeth in an open-mouthed snarl. No growling is needed. Be sure you've made eye contact with him. This is how your pup's mom told him to calm down, and he'll have no problem understanding what you mean. Repeat this command several times, and praise him when he understands what "off" means.

Get down on his level when you do greet him. He won't have to jump up to reach your face. If he does jump, use the "off" command.

Don't play rough games with him. Jumping is often part of tug-of-war and wrestling games, so these games only encourage him to jump on people.

Consistency Is ImportantEveryone in your family must be on the same page. If someone thinks it's cute when your puppy jumps on people, and encourages this behavior, you'll never be able to stop dog from jumping on people. To stop dog jumping, you need to spend time every day training your canine friend. It's very easy to accidentally teach your pet bad dog habits, so a good dog training course is essential for avoiding training mistakes. Your goal now is to use these tips to ensure your buddy will be a polite and well-loved member of the family.

Stop Dog Jumping Quickly With These Dog Obedience Tips

by Darlene Norris

Are you sick and tired of your dog jumping up on everyone? One of the most annoying dog behavior problems has to be a canine that jumps in people's faces. There are several reasons for this bad dog habit, so it's important to deal with the underlying issue to stop dog jumping completely. But the first order of business is to get your dog to stop jumping before he scares a child or knocks someone down.

Stop This Dog Behavior Quickly

Shouting "no" at your pup usually doesn't work, and may even get him more excited. Here's an easy way to stop this behavior quickly.

When he starts to jump up on you, turn sideways. Now either step forward into his space, or lean over and block him with your hip. The idea is that you don't want him to even get one paw on you because if he does, he's gotten what he wanted, which was to jump on you.

Once all four feet are on the floor, tell him to "sit." When he obeys, get down on his eye level and then give him attention. He'll learn that this is the way to get your attention, not by jumping.

If he's managed to ambush you unexpectedly and got his paws on you, don't say "no" or push him away. He'll think this is a fun game. Turn on your heel and walk away, without saying a thing. Again, once all his feet are on the floor, say "sit" and reward him when he obeys.

Dealing With The Reasons For JumpingCanines jump for three reasons: they're overexcited, they're showing dominance, or they're being rewarded for this behavior. A bored dog is at the root of most dog behavior problems. If he's left alone all day with nothing to do, he'll be tense and agitated because he has no way to burn off all that extra energy. When you finally come home, he jumps because he's overexcited that something is finally happening, not because he's happy to see you. Make certain your pup gets at least an hour and a half of exercise every day, along with providing toys and a digging area for him to play in while you're gone.

Dominance issues often come into play with a jumping canine. Again, when your pet jumps on you it's not because he's happy to see you. He's asserting his dominance over you. In a pack, a subordinate canine would NEVER jump on the pack leader. The leader would stop this instantly, and you should, too, or you're confirming that he's the leader, not you.If you yell and jump around and wave your arms when your pet jumps on you, you're rewarding him with a lot of attention. Plus he probably thinks this is a fun game, too. The best way to handle it is to block him as mentioned above, and then ignore him until he gets down.

Dog Obedience Tips

Spend time training your pet every day. You've be amazed at the difference even ten minutes a day will make in her behavior. A good dog training course will be very helpful in avoiding training mistakes. Here's some food for thought. Consistency is the key. Everyone in your family needs to be doing the same thing with her and using the same commands. By using these tips, you'll be able to get your dog to stop jumping quickly.

Monday, June 29, 2009

When Teaching Your Dog Obedience, Positive Reinforcement is a Must

by Tom Womack

Teaching dog obedience becomes a lot simpler when you understand how important positive reinforcement is. It really is the cornerstone of any kind of dog training course. But it's also important that the dog trainer has a lot of patience, because some dogs pick it up faster than others.

If your dog doesn't pick it up quickly, try not to get upset at him. He's not doing it on purpose, just to spite you. He really is trying his best.

First off, understand that dogs tend to learn by association. So in the dog's mind, if he did something and got a treat for it, he realizes that he's done a good thing. So it's important that the instant your dog does something that you want him to do, whether it be to sit, "gimme your paw", or comes to you, reward him instantly with a treat. The more times this happens to the dog, the more times he'll recognize the pattern.

You also want to keep the sessions short but try to do a few sessions a day, if you can. Also, if its possible, try to do the sessions in different environments, whether it be at home, in your yard, or when you are taking him out for a walk. But when the sessions are active, try to keep distractions away from the dog. You want to make sure you have his undivided attention.

The rewards can also come when the dog does something partially right. Eventually, he'll realize what he's not doing, and correct it.

How To Stop A Fence Jumping Dog With These Dog Obedience Tips

by Darlene Norris

If you are the proud owner of an expert fence jumping dog, you need these dog obedience tips. This is one of many annoying dog behavior problems that can cause problems with the neighbors, and with animal control. If your pet is running loose, he may also be stolen or hit by a car.

The problem is that a dog jumping fence is a self-rewarding behavior. What this means is that once the dog jumps over the fence, he's out, which is what he wants, so he's rewarded every time he does it. Prevention is definitely the key here.

How To Stop A Fence Jumping Dog

This sounds silly, but be sure your fence is high enough. He can't jump over it if it's too high. Also, take the time to ensure that any gates are securely shut, with a strong latch.

If possible, move anything that he can climb on to get over the fence. Trash cans, barbeque grills, or a stack of firewood are all handy items for a canine bent on escape.

Find a way to keep him happily occupied in his own yard. You'd be amazed at how creative a bored dog can be in finding ways to amuse himself. Unfortunately, your pet's idea of fun usually involves dog behavior problems of some kind. Provide him with a digging pit so he can work off some of his energy. Leave him with a toy stuffed with peanut butter or another treat. He'll be busy for hours getting it out.

When you see him approaching the fence, ready to jump, squirt him with a hose. Use the "off" command. A well-trained pet will listen to you.

Plant bushes in front of the fence, or put something there to keep him from getting a running start to jump the fence.

Have your pet neutered or spayed to prevent escapes in search of a mate. This also prevents all the problems associated with pet overpopulation.

Dog Obedience Tips

We've all seen pet owners trying to get their canines to come back to them after they've escaped. The pet is so happy to be out that he's running all over, completely ignoring his owner. This is dangerous, as he's also ignoring cars, too. Prevent this problem by teaching your pup the "come" command while he's still young.

When you feed him, say "come" in a pleasant tone, and wait for him to head your way. When he obeys, praise him and put his food down. He'll make the connection between "come" and getting fed very quickly.

Say "come" whenever you have the chance, and praise him and give him a treat when he obeys. Keep practicing this until it's second nature for him to come to you whenever you use this command.

"Come" is one of the most important commands you can teach him. You're establishing yourself as the pack leader, which is essential for gaining your pup's respect, and getting him to obey you.

If you spend as little as ten minutes a day training your pet, you'll be amazed at the change in his behavior. A good dog training course is an important tool you'll need. Look for one that includes a consultation with an experienced dog trainer for help with dog behavior problems like a fence jumping dog.

Do yourself and your canine friend a favor by making sure that he stays safe from harm in his own yard.

Stop Dog Jumping -- Dog Obedience Tips Anyone Can Use To Quickly Stop Puppy Jumping

by Darlene Norris

It's unbelievable, but some people actually encourage a dog jumping up on them. This is a big mistake, no matter how cute your new pup is. Puppy jumping may be cute when he's little, but it will become one of many dog behavior problems as he gets older and bigger. Even small canines are a nuisance when they jump on people. Stop dog jumping now with these dog obedience tips.

Prevent Puppy Jumping From Becoming A Behavior Problem Later

Obedience training should be part of your new pup's life right from the beginning. A very important basic command he should learn right away is the "off" command. You can use this command not only to prevent a dog jumping up, but also to keep him off the couch, countertops, and to prevent him jumping at the door. It's much easier to teach him this command, while he's young, so don't wait.There are three steps to teaching your pup to "off" command.

1. As soon as he jumps up on a person (or the furniture), say "OFF!" right away.

2. Snarl at him with an open mouth, showing him your teeth, and making direct eye contact. It's not necessary to growl. An open-mouthed silent snarl is how adult canines tell puppies to calm down, and your pup will instinctively understand what you're telling him.

3. Repeat this every time he attempts to jump up, until you don't have to say it twice. When you see that he's stopping himself from jumping, praise him. This exercise also establishes you as the pack leader. In the wild, subordinate canines would never jump on the leader, because it means that the subordinate is challenging the leader. The alpha dog doesn't tolerate this, and you shouldn't either.

Everyone in your family must also use this command. Your new pup needs to understand that everyone in the family ranks above him to prevent dog behavior problems later on.

Stop Dog Jumping On Visitors

Visitors can sometimes be a problem. Some people think it's cute to have a dog jump up on them. Explain to your visitors that you don't allow him to jump on anyone.

If you're expecting company, put your pup on a leash. When your guests arrive, if he jumps up, move quickly to step on the leash. This prevents him from jumping, and also pulls on his collar, which serves to correct his behavior. Alternatively, hold onto the leash. When he jumps, say "off," and firmly pull the leash to the side, which forces him to put his feet back on the ground.

Timing is important; pull his leash as you say "off" so that he learns that "off" means "no jumping." In either case, praise him as soon as all four feet are on the ground. Your visitors may think you're being too hard on him, but you're not. Establishing good habits when he's young will prevent dog behavior problems later on in life.

Remember that your whole family must be in agreement when training him. It's impossible for him to learn good habits if some people are encouraging the very behavior you're trying to avoid. A good dog training course is essential so that everyone in your household is working together. With a little effort from everyone, you can stop puppy jumping, and your new friend will be an obedient and well-loved member of the family.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dog Obedience Training Tips Reveals !

by Joe Steven

When it comes to dog obedience training, the "recall" command is quite important. In fact, some dog trainers would argue that it is the most important of all the commands. This is the process by which the owner calls back the dog, and asks the dog to return to them. Now, if you're training the dog for the first time, it is likely that the dog will not respond. When this happens, the owner should not become upset or punish the dog. The thing the owner must perform is a correction. The owner should always approach the dog, and they should not punish the dog under any circumstances.

The correction process is another important part of the dog training method. Under no circumstances should this process involve physically abusing the dog. The use of force in dog training has been the subject of a great deal of controversy. Even if the owner can stop the dog's bad behavior by striking them, this will cause stress to the dog, and the dog will naturally lose the necessary enthusiasm to continue with the task. The dog may also become aggressive. Ultimately, it is up to the person training the dog to decide how much force they should use, but many experts agree that the dog should never be hit.

One technique that is sometimes used to stop bad behavior is to quickly pull on the dog's leash and lead the dog as a result for not following through on a specific command. Another method that is used to correct bad behavior is isolation. When a dog does something wrong, the owner/handler can simply take the dog to an area and leave it there alone for a set period of time, where it will be isolated from anyone it wants to interact with. The process of teaching puppies is also a prominent part of dog obedience training.

While the puppy prenatal phase has been traditionally overlooked by dog trainers, many experts are now taking a second look at it. A puppy will react to the touch of the mother's abdomen. Some do trainers believe that the dog's sense of touch can be developed before the dog is even born. The process of dog training can sometimes be tedious, but in the end, it can also be quite rewarding. There are a number of useful guides and books which can assist you in the dog training process.

Tips on Dog Obedience Training

by Jenny Styles

Dog training will transform the dog's mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order. Just like in any other training scheme, there are some methods to be followed.

The dog has got to be familiar with his name, so he can act in response to the master's instructions. When he is familiar with his own name, you can begin teaching with the check lead and instruct "here" or "come". You can begin all this in the house, but initially, he has to be able to make out his own name. If you would like the puppy to pay attention just to you, then do not permit him to play with other people. If you will allow him to play too much, he will begin to snarl and bark every time you take his playthings away.

One more essential feature of dog training is that you have to teach your pet, so no one will get harmed when you are out with him and people are all about him. By making use of the dog training instructions correctly, you do not have to be anxious that he will bite off someone or he will scamper off. Even if you have trained your dog to be compliant and pay heed you, you should admire him as well since after all, you selected him, he could not select you, and if you will not take care of him properly, he will in all probability run away, or he will be miserable. The fundamental dog training instructions that a dog should act in response to are: fetch, stay close, here, sit and come.

- Begin teaching the dog whilst he is still a puppy

- this makes sure of much better achievement rates even for starting out dog trainers.

- Put up some information on dog training and only then acquire a new puppy.

- Free dog obedience training programs ought to be modified to the precise necessities of your dog breed. Please see our collection of precise dog breed training techniques in order to get more understanding on this subject.

- Make certain that the puppy is in high spirits and has an adequate amount of energy to try out training.

- Be inventive, by no means let the puppy get fed up and coach the dog where the limits are set.

Dog Training is More Than Dog obedience

by Dr,Boyer Cross

Dog Training saves homes, fosters love and even saves lives. Dog training can also help you correct any behavioral problems that your dog may have. Here is an interesting article that I think anyone, who uses negative punishment in dog training, should read.

Training a new puppy can be very hard work —Warning: Crate Training is a valuable tool that can be used to housebreak your dog or puppy, but it should never be over used. We continue to promote professional trainers to the veterinary profession and to increase public awareness of dog friendly training techniques.

At Perfect Manners Dog Training, we train dogs to be happy, loving, well mannered pets. Hence, it is necessary to obedience train your pet dog. Still, you CAN successfully communicate with your pet and get them to be not only housebroken but well mannered also. Imagine your friends and family making comments about how well behaved your pet has become. I highly recommended, Sit Stay FetchThis is one of the most comprehensive and complete dog ownership tools I have found. Sit Stay Fetch is highly recommended if you have a dog of any age or breed that you want to train successfully.

Sit Stay Fetch is priced quite cheaply at $37 and the book has about 176 pages. Sit Stay Fetch is a dog obedience e book by author Daniel Stevens. Daniel also goes into detail common dog behavior problems such as dog biting, chewing, barking and aggression towards humans. Daniel, who is a professional dog trainer clearly knows his stuff, he has a deep understanding of how dogs think, and what motivates them to do what they do.

Dog House Training :

Dog House Training the Right Way While dog or puppy house training or housebreaking puppy takes a commitment from you, it's not something that's complex or difficult to do. Dogs only understand less than 50 words total and under 30 is not unusual.

Dog house training tip #1 Read a lot about puppy and dog behavior and development. Dog house training tips #2 Give your puppy a lot of attention and learn more about its habitsDog house training tip # 3 Have a lot of patience and make sure that you are consistent when house training your puppy. The three basic dog house training exercise is "to come, sit and down"To come standing few feet away in front of the dog, still leashed, signal him the treat. Dog house training is a tough task, however, if right approach and proper management is applied, it can be done.

Dog house training is a tough task, however, if right approach and proper management is applied, it can be effective and successful.

Potty Training :

Potty Training your dog is a huge task that cannot be taken lightly, or else it just won't work. In order for your dog to be successful at potty training you HAVE to confine your dog when you can't watchhim. If you catch your puppy in the act, pick him up and put him in his designated bathroom area- outside or potty pads- and say "go pee." Sit stay fetch have a whole housebreaking puppy section where you can learn all the best and most humane methods, tactics and potty training puppy advice online.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dog Obedience Training Collars

by David Silva

The basic dog obedience training collar goes by many names, including choker, choke chain, training collar, correction collar and slip collar. These training devices are among the most popular and most commonly used tools with both amateur and professional dog trainers.

While a training collar is a widely used tool, as with any tool it must be used properly in order to be effective and safe for your dog. Among the most important considerations when using this equipment are:

- How well the devise fits your dog. It's essential that it properly fits your dog. If it doesn't fit correctly you risk losing control in dangerous situations.

- Putting the equipment on the right way. There's a right way and a wrong way to fit a collar, and putting it on incorrectly will make it both ineffective and potentially dangerous.

- Using the devise properly. It should be used as a sharp reminder to your dog, not as punishment. Avoid applying constant pressure on the choke chain.

- The weight of the chain and the size of the links. The weight of the chain should always be appropriate to the size and weight of your dog.

- The placement on your dog.

Sizing And Measuring

Determining if the dog obedience training collar is the right size is relatively easy. Ideally, it should fit snugly, yet comfortably over your dog's head. Like my father used to say about tightening a bolt, it shouldn't be too tight, but it shouldn't be too loose either. Too tight and it'll be difficult to get on and off. On the other hand, too loose and it can potentially slip off when your dog lowers his head.

Measure your dog's neck with a tape measure, then add 2 to 3 inches. For example, if your dog has a neck 12" in diameter, you would want to buy a collar that's 14" in length. Chain slip collars are generally sized in two inch increments.

Proper Fitting

When fitting a correction collar, the part of the chain which is connected to the leash should be on the top of the dog's neck. With this arrangement, it releases the instant the leash is loosened. Training collars are only effective when they tighten or loosen easily and quickly. Tightening is the first step of any correction, loosening is the second step.

If the part of the correction collar that's attached to the leash is not on the top of the dog's neck, it can still become taunt, but it generally won't become loose again. This constant pressure on your dog's neck initiates a counter response on the part of the animal, and your dog will quickly learn to pull and strain against the leash.

Also, if the accompanying lead is too long it can require a great deal of skill on your part to use correctly. So make sure you use a length that gives you comfortable control.

Finally, it's important to purchase a dog obedience training collar that's well made and strong. The extra expense will easily pay for itself by keeping both you and your dog safer.

Dog Obedience Training - Why You Should Do it

by Michael Royce

Most dog owners never really think seriously about dog obedience training. They're content to have a dog that obeys a few commands here and there, barks when strangers come to the door, and doesn't create too much chaos.
That's all well and good, but those owners are missing out on some pretty cool benefits that obedience training can bring to any owner/dog relationship. Such as...

Strong Bonding...

When you train your dog, you both learn a great deal about each other, it's literally impossible not to become closer. And after all, isn't that the big reason you have a pet in the first place…to feel that companionship, that bond? When you train together, you both have to pay close attention to each other...share the experience. That sharing builds the mutual respect that leads to a much deeper connection. And that connection lasts the rest of your years together.

Great Communication Habits...

Actually, Dog obedience training isn't just for your dog...it's for you too! You have to learn how to communicate with your pooch just as much as he does with you. That becomes important down the road as you and your buddy enter into new situations and new experiences together. A new situation can confuse your dog; he might not know how to react. But if you've both trained well together, he'll look to you for leadership. And you'll know just how to give it.

A Happy, Well-Behaved Dog...

"Trained up" dogs are more secure dogs. They're generally more cool, calm, and collected than their non-trained cousins. So they're less likely to have behavioral problems like excessive biting, barking, or chewing your favorite slippers. They're a whole lot more fun to be around too. That means they don't add stress to your life, they help take it away. That's a good thing!

If you have the time, please consider some organized dog obedience training for Fido. It doesn't have to be with an expensive trainer or class...it could be free weekend get-togethers at your local park. You can even learn enough to supply some pretty good training yourself. I guarantee you'll get a whole lot out of it, and your dog will too.

Bad Behavior Dog Obedience Training

by Andrew Bicknell

Are you frustrated because your dog keeps exhibiting bad behavior that is embarrassing to you? Do you wonder why he always runs away when you go for a walk or jumps on people who come over to visit? An out of control dog is neither fun nor a good companion and the only way to tame the wild beast is with dog obedience training.

In fact with the proper training your four legged out of control friend may well turn into the best companion you've ever had, but you have to train him first. Training your dog should be a fun and rewarding if you go into it with the right attitude and show some patience. It may take some work to reverse the bad habits he has learned.

The most basic training will teach your dog to sit, stay, and come. These three commands make up the base of any obedience training class and are beneficial in furthering your dog's ability to be obedient. Once the training starts to sink in you will be much more willing to take your dog out in public because you know that you will be able to control him much more easily.

You have two choices when it comes to training your dog; you can do it yourself or you can join a dog obedience class. A class is a good idea if you are having difficulty training at home or if you just don't know where to start. Classes are taught by professional dog trainers who know all the tricks to get your dog to listen to what you want him to do. A class also gives your dog a chance to socialize with other dogs which is an important part of training. If he can follow commands with a bunch of other dogs around he will be much easier to control in public settings.

One of the most important parts of training, whether at home or in a class, is the interaction between owner and dog. All dogs live to please their owner and you can use that to reinforce the lessons. By using treats, praise, and physical attention you can have greater gains then if you are constantly reprimanding and shouting at your dog when he doesn't follow your commands.

If you choose to train your dog at home you should try to keep any distractions to a minimum when first starting. Your back yard or an open field is a good choice. This will keep his attention focused on you as you work on the basics. As he progresses you can start taking him to areas that have a little more activity and other dogs around because most of the time you will need him to follow commands while there are distractions around.

Most bad behavior dog obedience training works by getting your dog to obey your commands in spite of the distractions going on around him. Most bad behavior is simply your dog looking for attention. When you train him you give him an outlet to please you which gives him the attention he desires.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How A Dog Obedience School Changed My Life

by Paul Thomas

A few years back I took my dog to an obedience school because it was acting crazy most of the time. After attending a couple of classes I realized that it was not my dog who was acting crazy, it was me.

When you join a dog obedience school you learn how to train your dog to behave appropriately. In the first stages of training puppies, it is very common that their owners take them to a dog obedience school.

The training is usually done in small groups, where in addition to train the dog itself, it also teaches the dog's owner how to train, scold and praise the dog.

Actually, a professional dog trainer does not really train the dog; he is training the dog's owner how to do the training. You can, though, send you dog away to a dog training school alone. But you as the owner must still learn skills to reinforce what the dog has learnt on the dog school. If you attend a class together with your dog, you and your dog have a much better chance of learning more about each other as a team under professional guidance.

Every person who has to handle the dog should take part in the training to ensure consistent methods and commands. Or else the dog can get very confused.

I felt like quitting a lot of times because it was harder to change my own behavior than changing my dog's behavior. I had to learn how to praise my dog more than scolding it. I was amazed.

The strange thing is that, because I started to look at myself in a new perspective, it suddenly came very clear to me that; it was not just my relationship to my dog that needed to change. It was my attitude towards other people as well. A huge eye-opener, that was hard to swallow. And when I look back I can truly say that attending that dog obedience school really changed my life. I would not be the person I am today. And that counts both towards dogs as well as people.

If you are in doubt about whether you should attend a class with your dog or not - don't be.

Basic Dog Obedience Training Command

by Leo Enoch

I cannot emphasize more the value of obedience training for your dog. Besides it is very substantial to the well being of your dog and your own happiness in owning a dog.

Dog owners would absolutely enjoy more sharing a house, a car or even spending the time together walking your dog in the public, when your dog can be told to eliminate outside (house training), to come, to sit or to stay easily at your direction.

Obedience Training also show very clear sign of responsible ownership, it is so widely known that if your dog can display these basic obedience commands as well as walking on leash with ease and some other simple task, your dog can earn the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Certification.

This Certification is a testimony that your dog is sociable, well behaved and not dangerous to people in general. In some state this CGC Certification is a benchmark of your dog behavior and responsible dog ownership.

Dog owners more than others those who are new in general faces difficulty in training their dog, it is because they do not understand that dogs think and act different from us. They failed to make much development in dog training because they failed to realize that dog communicate differently from us.

The major mistake made by new dog owners is having a lot of command and inconsistency in their training routines. Remember that consistency is very important, do not say 2 words for the same of action that you want your dog to obey.

Here below are some commonly used basic dog obedience commands that you should start with prior going to other more advance command, that will aid you as dog owner to feel comfortable bringing your dog for a walk in the park or in public areas.

Come: this command is used to recall your dog

Sit: this command tell your dog to be in sitting position.

Stay: the dog must keep still in any position whether it is sitting, down or in that location where the command is given until released by you

Down: this command tells the dog to go down with its front feet and rear legs are touching the ground.

Here are some tips how you can really improve the effectiveness and the rate of your dog learning:

1. At all times you must use the same command words and in the same tone or speed of speaking

2. Have tolerance, your dog will fail you.

3. The dog has single track mind, teach one thing at a time, do not try to teach a lot of command in one single training session

4. When your dog did anything right or wrong, your rewards and punishment should come almost immediately. Do not punish or reward after a long time break from the act itself because your dog will not be able to relate the two.

5. Increase bonding with your dog by bringing him out for an exercise or play with him. All training session should be based on this relationship.

6. Prior training your dog, you should get highly regarde dog training manual and go through it thoroughly before starting your dog training session. It is harder to ask your dog to unlearn wrong things than learning new things

7. Never call your dog to come to you to punish, you will give them wrong understanding that the word come means punishment.

8. Do not permit other people to give any command to your dog especially when you are training him.

9. Do not train your dog when you are not in the mood or when you are not feeling well.

10. Never get violence with your dog.

Obedience Training is a clear sign of responsible dog ownership. Every responsible dog owner should endeavor to train his/her dog to at least acquire these basic obedience skills.

Home Dog Obedience Training Using the Positive Reinforcement Method

by Andrew Bicknell

Most dog trainers believe that the best way to train any dog is using a method called positive reinforcement training. For those who are doing home dog obedience training this process simply entails using positive reinforcement for good behavior and ignoring bad behavior.

A dog's natural instinct is to please her owner. Positive reinforcement uses this instinct and allows your dog to learn what it is you want her to do. This type of training has more meaning to your dog because she is able to learn what you want her to do using her own mental capacity.

Here are some quick tips you can use to implement this training method at home:

1. Pick good rewards. You need to keep your dog's interest level up in what you are doing. A pat on the head or saying "good girl" will lose a dogs interest pretty quickly. Use tempting rewards such as food treats and physical affection to reinforce your dog's good behavior. Dog trainers call these primary incentives and dogs are very responsive to these.

2. Timing is important. Good behavior and obedience needs to be rewarded the moment it happens. This way your dog begins to understand what behavior is being rewarded. This is where clicker training can be used. Using a small metal device that emits a click when pushed you click the clicker the moment your dog follows a command successfully. To reinforce the meaning of the clicker a treat should also be offered.

3. Use the same commands consistently. If you want your dog to sit don't use "sit" one time, "sit down" the next, or "down" later on. This is confusing for a dog because they learn through repetition. Pick a command and stick with it for each behavior you desire.

If you are training your dog at home you will need to learn to reward your dog in a meaningful fashion. If you know what your dog likes as far as physical attention and treats you will know what works as far as rewards go. Some dogs prefer edible treats while others enjoy playing with a favorite toy.

If you are using food treats for your home dog training reinforcement you need to be aware that many dog trainers have found that dogs actually respond better if they receive treats in a more sporadic fashion. Apparently it keeps their attention better because they remain interested in what you are teaching them if rewards are given intermittently.

Positive reinforcement training is a great home dog obedience training process to use because it is relatively easy. Ignoring bad behavior is the cornerstone of this method because a dog being ignored is an unhappy dog. This can do more to motivate your dog to do what you ask more then just about anything else.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems

by Nancy Richards

As much as we love dogs, there are times when they can really drive us crazy. Usually this is simply because there are some behavior problems such as barking, begging, and destructiveness. For many, life would be perfect if their dog would curb their behavior problems and really start behaving most of the time. Unfortunately, a dog will never curb his own behaviors and it is up to the owner to take some time for dog obedience training.

Surprisingly, it can be very easy to solve a dog behavior problem with training and in many cases the training should be started with the owner. That’s right, I said it. Usually, when a dog has behavior problems, it has nothing to do with the dog obedience training that the owner took part in. What it does have to do with is whether the owner made some of the common mistakes when they were training their dog. One of the biggest mistakes that many owners make when it comes to dog obedience training is that they stop training once their dog reaches a certain level. While the dog is trained, they will quickly forget or ignore commands that are not used on a regular basis.

This in turn leads towards behavior problems such as barking and chewing. Instead of stopping training, it is important that an owner spends a few times every week with dog obedience training. This will not only reinforce the established training but it will also give the dog something to do and will prevent many problems caused by boredom or under stimulation, such as chewing. If your dog has some behavior problems, it is time to start dog obedience training, whether it is for the first time or again. The first step is to re-establish those household rules that your dog may have broken. Don’t allow your dog on the furniture and correct him when he is begging.

This can be done simply by distracting the dog from the behavior or removing him from the room. Correct the bad behaviors in a positive manner and praise the dog when he is doing a good behavior. In addition to establishing rules, it is time to break out the basics of dog obedience training. One activity that is often encouraged when a dog is participating in a negative behavior is to take your dog aside and begin “puppy pushups.” This is actually when you put your dog in a sit, then down into a lying position, back into a sit and up into a stand. Give the command for each step and reward the dog for every step if the dog obedience training is still fresh.

This is a great way to expel unwanted energy and it really gets the dog focusing on you and not on a negative behavior. It also provides time to reinforce training and is an excellent way to move onto the next areas of dog obedience training. While puppy exercises and setting rules is important, it is also important to teach your dog a “no” command. Choose a command that is fast and easy to say and also one that cannot be mistaken for a different command. When your dog is engaged in a negative behavior, simply clap your hands or make a loud noise to disrupt the behavior and then give a firm “no.” Don’t scold or punish the dog but display your displeasure through your voice. Using the techniques that you would use in dog obedience training will quickly correct many behavior problems that arise and you will quickly see the benefit of continuously training your dog on a daily or weekly basis.

The Bond of Dog Obedience Training

by Andrew Bicknell

Getting your dog to understand what you want him do when given certain commands is the purpose behind dog obedience training. It is a communication process between owner and dog that creates a bond that is vital to the safety of the dog, his owner, and those around him.

Dogs are naturally social creatures that in the wild live in packs. When brought into a home a dog becomes a part of the family pack, and just like in the wild there is a natural order to things with a leader of the pack, or alpha dog, on down. One of the primary purposes of dog obedience training is to show your dog who is in charge. Without proper training or discipline just about any dog will naturally try to take over and be in charge.

This is where obedience training comes in. It lets your dog know who's in charge and at the same time creates a bond between him and his humans. It is one of the most important things any dog owner can do to establish a strong relationship between owner and dog.

Training your dog subtly but efficiently establishes to your dog that you are the leader of the pack and they are not, but it should not involve any negative or punishment-based components. Training your dog to be obedient can be an extraordinary learning experience as well as being a fun and rewarding activity for you and your dog.

Obedience training is great for your dog because it is a good mental exercise that enables your dog to live happier and with more freedom. It is a way of fostering communication between owner and dog. Although obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems it is the foundation for solving just about any problem including house training, chewing up your belongings, excessive barking, digging holes in your yard, fighting other dogs and aggressive behavior. The goal behind dog obedience training is the idea that a dog will respond with a certain reaction every time a certain command is given.

Almost every dog owner will have to use some sort of behavior modification techniques at one time or another when training their prized pet. It helps avoid temperament and behavior problems. Many dogs develop behavior problems because their owners fail to set rules and enforce them. Proper training allows you to communicate with your dog, helps to foster the bond between you, and keeps him safe from both injuries and behavior problems.

Dog obedience training is about setting boundaries that must be enforced on a daily basis and is the most important thing a dog should learn as it is the foundation to solving many of any dog’s behavior problems. Obedience training is the perfect method for both you and your dog to establish a connection, to relate to one another and to make living together more enjoyable.

Dog Obedience Training - is your Dog Getting Out of Hand?

by Shamir Ahmed

With dog obedience training, you are essentially instructing your dog to carry out specific activities and commands. Some of these commands are the time-honored ones like sit, stay and heel. The importance of dog obedience training is placed on quick, accurate execution. While there may be quite a few general advantages to dog obedience training, it is usually not always the “end all” for controlling dog behavior.

Obedience trained dogs will conduct specific instructions because their master is commanding them to do it. The reason why some people think that dog obedience training is not “all that,” is because while your dog may learn some of the obedient behaviors, that does not mean he always acts appropriately. Case in point: some dogs are predisposed to being rescue or herding dogs. You can teach them to sit and stay, but at times their instincts will override those obedient behaviors. That is why you sometimes see dogs trying to “rescue” their masters when they are swimming, or a dog “herding” children who are running all over the place (like sheep).

With behavior training, you are essentially becoming the “Miss Manners” for the canine set. Some of the behavior training that is included is house training, crate training and good conduct while on a leash. Many people start on potty training when they get a puppy. They start with spread newspapers like house training and graduate up to leaving by doggie door to eliminate outside. Or you might leash your dog and teach it not to pull you around. Barking is also another behavior that is often tamed in behavior training.

Even though dog obedience training might be the most widely used method to train your pooch, be advised that there is no one way which will work every time on any dog. In fact, many people combine the different types of training to accomplish their goals with their dog. You might even say that certain behaviors a dog exhibits could be solved with a combined training effort. If you plan to be a do-it-yourself trainer, review each aspect of training and pick and choose what you want to concentrate on.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Choosing A Good Dog Obedience School

by Lee Dobbins

Everyone wants a well trained dog, but sometimes your pet may be a little difficult or you just might not have the time or know how to train him properly. Luckily you can get help and it's as easy as enrolling your dog in a dog obedience school.

Perhaps you have seen people with unruly dogs, or maybe even have resigned yourself to think that your dog will never do as he's told. Maybe you've gotten used to coming home from work and finding chewed shoes and trash all over the house. Perhaps you've even taken to walking your dog at night when no neighbors are out because you simply can't control him when people and other dogs are around.

You don't have to resign yourself to thinking your dog will never behave and in, fact you owe it to yourself and your pet to do everything you can to get him trained properly. Having a well behaved dog can save trouble for both yourself and your pet. An unruly dog could bite a neighbor or child causing you legal problems. If your dog barks a lot or gets loose all the time you may even find yourself in trouble with the police. And most importantly, if your dog will not come when called, you have limited methods to keep him out of harms way.

A dog obedience school trainer will show you how to communicate with your dog to get him to listen to you. He'll learn how to behave around people as well as other dogs and the basic commands such as "down", "sit", "stay", and heel. Your dog will probably even enjoy this as he will get to spend time with your which is all he really wants in the first place!

Picking a dog obedience school is kind of like choosing a school for your kids - you want to be sure to send him to the right one. Of course, since you will probably be attending as well you want one that works for the both of you so you need to do a little research before you settle on the school.

One thing to consider when researching dog obedience schools is a reference from others who have attended the school. Perhaps you have a friend, co-worker or neighbor you can ask? If not you can ask the school for references and phone someone who has been through the program. You should have a list of basic questions you can ask about the school and the outcome of the dogs training. If you get positive answers then you may have found your school, otherwise, it's time to move on to the next choice.

Another thing you want to do when narrowing down your choice of obedience schools is to visit the "campus". Just like picking a college, you want to be sure that the school offers a good environment. Make sure the school seems well organized and the trainers are knowledgeable. Also, you will probably want a friendly environment where your dog (and you) feel comfortable.

Talking to the trainers at the school is also a good idea. Find out about the methods that each instructor uses and you might even introduce them to your dog to be sure they will get along. Your training will be much more successful if both you and your dog are comfortable with the trainer.

Dog obedience school can be a great way to turn your unruly pet into a great companion that will not embarrass you in social situations and you can really take anywhere you want. The whole training process can help you bond with your dog and truly help him be your best friend.

What To Expect From Dog Obedience Training Class

by andrew-bicknell
A basic dog obedience training class is one of the best things you can do for your dog or puppy and is a necessary requirement for anyone who owns a dog. The best way to get started with an obedience class is to visit your local pet store or look in the phone book for to find local classes taught by reputable trainers.

The average weekly obedience class meets anywhere from four to eight weeks in a row for an hour to an hour and a half per session. In a number of classes, curriculum may include training on dog's social behaviors and training-related topics often allowing a certain time to be devoted for exercises like jumping up or controlled walking. You will also be given home work to work on with your dog between classes.

Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like animals. Obedience training class is a good first step way to establishing the social hierarchy and if done successfully will create a firm relationship between your dog and you.

Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog and can strengthen the pet/owner bond and help each understand the other better. Dog obedience training class can also be used to carry out many of your dog's fundamental needs like exercise, feeling of accomplishment, the security of understanding what's expected from him, and to adapt him for social interaction.

Dog behavior can often be directed and controlled by training. If you were to define it would be the control of the environmental and social issues to accomplish desirable actions and decrease undesirable behavior from your dog. The very essence of dog obedience is to direct and control the behavior of your dog.

To do this a good dog obedience training class will help do several things, including: understanding how your dog views the world, understanding of how your dog learns, ensuring that your dog enjoys doing what you want him to do, that you not only train your dog to do what you want, but make sure he understands the words of command, rewarding your dog for the right reasons and using your dog’s natural instincts as a basis for training. For the basic dog obedience training class- the curriculum for novices would typically comprise of the basic exercises like "sit", "stay", "heel", "down", and "come" for these only reinforce their normal behavior making it easier for your pet to learn more advanced commands as you get deeper into the class.

Dog obedience training class should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It is also a great way to make new friends and helpful contacts in the dog world. Remember that a well trained dog is a happy dog.

Dog Obedience Training How I Did it Myself

by Sourabh
I recently had some experiences with my dogs as well as a few with friends’ dogs which actually told me about Importance of Dog Obedience Training. Before these experiences I always thought Dog Obedience Training is something a dog owner can do without any expert knowledge or experience, but I was proved wrongMy friend Tania and her husband matt bought a Pug/Chihuahua from a pet store and they named him Jack. When I visited them one 1st weekend I literally envied them both because of jack. Jack was such a cute and cheerful pug he kept jumping all over the couple with joy and love he was very playful and friendly and got acquainted to me in no time as well. I spent that afternoon with them had dinner and went back home to find my Labrador Badger had not eaten is lunch and I had to feed him like I do every day. I involuntarily started comparing Badger and Jack and when I realized that I felt guilty to my bones. Immediately I realized that my dog had separation anxiety issue and I decided to train him to be more independent and vowed to myself I will get read of his separation anxiety issues. Besides separation anxiety my dog also had terrible obedience problem. I called a few friends who owned a dog and asked for tips about Obedience Training. Some of them told me some training commands and how to get train dog for those commands like
• “Heel” to walk on a loose leash
• Respond to “No!”
• “Sit”
• “Stay”
• “Down”
• Respond to “Release”
I tried to teach those to Badger over next week trying not to lose my temper and not to get frustrated. I was successful to some extent in it but I realized it’s not really giving me the results which I expected and I was losing my temper and time over it. Next weekend I had Tania and matt for lunch at my house and I was surprised when they walked in with their dog Jack with them. As we sat down and started talking they told me they are now calling him “Jack the Ripper” and can’t leave him home alone even for a minute. Because of he would rip of pillows and sofa. I smiled to myself and told them problem I am facing with my dog about Obedience Training is pretty similar to what they are facing and as we talked more about it we realized that We are not really equipped for training dogs we have not idea about Obedience Training. And as we though Obedience Training is not really a child’s play it’s a tough job.We deliberated about solutions and decided we should call a professional dog trainer to get our dogs trained. We searched in yellow pages for dog trainers and called a few dog trainers just to find out that their fees were something we couldn’t afford. We were back to square one and finally we decided to buy some books and train dogs by ourselves. We searched on internet for books about Dog obedience training and found a couple of good ones and I learned a lot from them I would love to share my training experiences with my readers
Dog obedience training experience 1:We used our dogs name to get his attention. To have good control of our dog we realized we must be able to get a good orientation response from the animal. [ Build attention by using your pet’s name when calling it for food, walks, and play.] we did this randomly 10 times a day. Most important thing we learned was to never punish our dogs for coming to you or by calling him.
Dog obedience training experience 2:We Always enforced commands that we gave, and didn’t constantly repeat commands. If we were not serious about enforcing a command, we didn’t give it.
Dog obedience training experience 3:We Used timing as a form of communication with our dogs. Timing is one of the key elements of canine education. It does not matter what teaching method we were using, we worked at developing the proper timing for each technique.
Dog obedience training experience 4:We didn’t punish desirable behavior. Such as having your puppy eliminate outside and then immediately leaving the puppy. If the puppy wants to be with you, you will have just punished the pup for doing the right behavior.Recommended Dog Obedience Product

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Learn about the basics of dog obedience training. If you are considering 'dog obedience training' for your dog seriously, you are at the right place.