Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dog Obedience and Behavior Training

by ashsmh
There is a lot of difference between Disobedience and incomprehension. If your dog is not able to comprehend your command, it is not that he has some behavioral problem. It simply means that you both need to bond together more and training him to understand what you are really trying to say. If you have trained him and he still doesn't obey your commands,then it has a Behavioral Problem. This is not a minor problem, it's actually a major problem which needs to be corrected immediately before your relationship with your dog deteriorates further and it becomes embarrassing in front of your friends. If it is not corrected immediately, then you are allowing your dog to form a habit of Passive Aggression. You can't fix this problem saying it will correct itself. It's very important to show your dog that you are the Master and not him. It's not possible to have a good relationship with your dog if you don't make an effort to show him that you are the master and he needs to obey your commands.

Your first step in dealing with this problem is try to make him understand that you are the Boss. Some tips, when leaving your house, it is you who have to leave the house first and not the dog. He needs to follow you out. This is the Alpha Behavior of a Dog. In the Dog's language, only Alpha leaves first. If you let him go first and you follow him, then he understands that he is the Boss and you need to follow him.

Playing with him is a nice way to bond with him and this should be done on your terms and not his.

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