Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dog Obedience Schools: How To Get Free Dog Training By Learning What They Teach At Obedience Classes

by Ty Brown

Have you ever wished you could train your dog the way they are trained in professional obedience schools that you see on television or in your neighborhood dog training obedience schools? Home dog training is very possible for even the average dog owner, and you don't necessarily need dog obedience classes to have a well trained dog. Pet obedience is within the reach of all dog owners if they just learn proper techniques.

While free dog training is very possible if you want to do-it-yourself you must first dispel many of the myths that surround dog training. Once you understand the truth behind dog behavior (the stuff they teach you at expensive obedience schools) you will be able to have the dog of your dreams.

These are all things I often hear about obedience training a dog. Some of them MAY have some truth but none of them are absolutely true:

1- You need to wait until a puppy is at least 4/6/8 months to start obedience training- Truth be told, you can start obedience training your puppy from the moment he gets home. Don't ask too much at eight weeks of age but get started right away.

2- You can't obedience train an older dog- I almost prefer an older dog when doing obedience training. Older dogs have developed bodies, developed minds, and developed nervous systems. What that means in relation to training is that you can ask for high level of obedience from an older dog.

3- Obedience training should be done only with treats- Treats are great tools for reward. When they are used as a basis for a training program they are most often ineffective versus big distractions. Think about it, if your dog is chasing after a cat going towards a busy street is he going to continue chasing the cat or return to you to get a little treat? Chances are he will continue chasing the cat towards disastrous results.

4- Obedience training should be done only with discipline. If you use only disciplinary measures in training a dog you may end up with a dog that is obedient. You will also end up with a dog that obeys out of fear.

5- Certain dogs can't be trained- I have never met a dog that could not be trained. The only dog that theoretically couldn't be trained at minimum to an adequate level would be a dog with a chemical imbalance in their brain. This type of dog is rare.

At pet obedience classes and your neighborhood dog obedience school you can find out how to dispel more myths about how to train a dog. If you are looking for FREE dog training, though, it is recommended that you search your library, the internet, and dozens of other resources to learn the best way to get your dog to be obedient without going to obedience classes.

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