Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dog Obedience Training Online – A Brief Review

by jason bb han

When you are trying to train your dog by yourself, you need to ensure that you know what you are doing. Obviously, it will be best if you can invest in a quality dog training guide that provides you with very clear instructions on how to train your dog.

Dove Cresswell’s Dog Obedience training is one such program that comes with a total of 7 easy to follow lessons. What makes this program unique from the rest of the dog training products is the background of the product creator.

The fact is Dove Cresswell is not only a dog trainer, she also trains other animals ranging from juvenile cougars, rodents, birds, large reptiles to even cockroaches. You might think that it is a bit crazy, but that just goes to show how experienced Dove Cresswell is, when it comes to training animals.

She also happens to be a professional Hollywood North Dog Trainer and has worked with celebrity dogs featured in movies such as Cougar Crossing, Behind the Camera: Charlie’s Angels, Romeo etc.

On her website itself, she has also provided a free lesson as well as some useful tips like how to avoid common dog training mistakes, the ideal length of each training session, when is the best time to start training your dog, etc.

There are also a total of 8 bonuses included. They are:

1) Be In Touch With Dove Directly
2) Teach Your Dog To Fetch
3) Train Your Dog To Play Soccer
4) Teach Your Dog To Play Hide And Seek
5) Information on Dog Sports Dog
6) Choosing The Right Toys For Your Dog
7) Earning Your Dog’s Respect
8) Choose The Right Dog Food and Treats

By following those lessons closely, you will be able to have a well behaved and obedient dog in no time.

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