Monday, July 27, 2009

Dog Obedience Tips – How To Effectively Train Your Dog

by jason bb han
Regardless of the age and breed of your dog, it is important that you make sure it goes through proper training. You want your dog to become a valuable member of your family and a pet that your family will be proud of. And proper training is necessary in order for that to happen.

So dog owners probably feel that dog training is not necessary. But that is just not true. Without the proper training, your dog is only going to pick up undesirable behavior and it will be much harder to correct it as time goes by.

When you are trying to train your dog, here are a few points you will want to take note.

1) When it comes to training your dog, it is always better to start early than to start late. The sooner you start, the better. The most ideal case is to start training your dog when it is still a cute and adorable puppy.

2) When you are training your pet, it is very important that you be consistent in what you are doing. If not, you will simply confuse your pet. For example, if you do not want your dog to sit on the sofa, you should not allow him to sit on it even once. Or else, your dog will get very confused and will not know what the right thing to do is.

3) Reward your dog when it is doing what you want. This is a form of positive reinforcement and positive reinforcements are important when it comes to effective dog training.

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